Mobile Compressed

About Mogli

Mogli Technologies, a Salesforce Partner since 2011, is the developer of Mogli SMS, a Salesforce native application that unlocks the power of mobile messaging. Whether you need to send a bulk announcement, automated notifications, surveys, or facilitate 1-1 conversations, the magic of Mogli makes it happen and keeps it all in Salesforce.

While any organization can benefit from utilizing Mogli SMS, we are especially proud of the impact our technology has had on an array of nonprofit and mission-driven organizations. We were thrilled to be recognized as the 2021 ISV Partner of the Year and will continue our support of organizations that make the world a better place.


The Mogli Origin Story - Unlocked by the Power of a Text Message

Kenya Locals TextingMogli is short for Mobile Global Impact, and our origin story sets the stage for both our technology platform and our belief that part of our responsibility as a corporate citizen is to make a positive impact on our world.

Our story starts in Kenya and reveals how powerful coordinated, targeted communication through mobile messaging can be. Stevan Simich, Mogli CEO and founder, was working with a nonprofit battling the challenge of extreme poverty and hunger around the world. A specific problem on the front lines of this crisis was a persistent corn crop disease plaguing Kenyan farmers and their families, creating an existential threat to their entire livelihood.

Living in mud huts without running water or electricity, these Kenyan farmers DID have a basic flip phone that could send and receive text messages. The solution Stevan developed enabled the nonprofit to communicate, at scale, with 5,000 Kenyan farmers.  This made it possible to both teach the farmers how to protect their crops, while collecting status data through their responses.

Mogli turned this solution into a developed and supported product with a focus on serving enterprise businesses, non-profits, advocacy organizations, and educational institutions across the globe. 

Today, Mogli SMS is truly making a global impact, enabling thousands of users around the world to send millions of messages annually.


Mogli Today


More than 500 organizations leverage Mogli Technology to improve engagement and deepen connections through mobile messaging. Any business or organization that uses Salesforce can leverage Mogli to communicate and grow relationships. 

Mogli employs a 100% US-based support and operations team that is committed to the success of our customers. All Mogli software license agreements include unlimited users and implementation at no additional cost.

To learn more about Mogli schedule a meeting with a solutions consultant or check out our AppExchange listing.

Meet the Team


Our Native Salesforce® Apps

Enhance Investment & Impact

Mogli's native Salesforce apps enhance your platform investment and help you make a greater impact in the world. Mogli SMS  empowers clients by enhancing communication, improving efficiency, and driving results for commercial businesses, military and government, domestic and international nonprofits, K-12 and higher education, and social venture organizations.