
Meet with Mogli

MogliPay solves fundraising, collections and conversion problems for clients across nonprofits, education, financial services, e-commerce and more!

Existing Salesforce Contacts' information pre-populates for seamless interaction, regardless if you're deploying a mass campaign or a one-on-one message.

As always, beautiful dashboards and easy reporting allow you to track payments made via SMS & WhatsApp.

Groundbreaking Ways to Use MogliPay

  • Imagine the returns on your fundraising efforts in a marketing channel that performs 7x better than anywhere else! (DSIM)
  • Americans check their phones anyway (an average of 47 times per day!), so at your next gala or big event, have attendees take out their phones and text-to-donate right in the moment that inspires them to give! (Journey of Accountancy)
  • Enable students to pay tuition via text and cut down the time it takes to collect text payments by up to two-thirds! (GSMA)
  • Take mobile e-commerce to the next level!  50% of US consumers make direct purchases when you send them a branded text promotion, so make it even easier by allowing them to pay in the same channel you reached them! (J&C) Allow your financial services clients to transact over a secure text.


Text to Pay graph Mockups


Text-to-Pay-mockup-2 Click image to zoom

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